6 Tips for Interiors Photography

1. Tell a complete story with the images. Provide visual cues from one image to another, leaving breadcrumbs that walk the viewer through the space.

2. Compose to convey volume, while allowing the eye to travel from foreground to background unimpeded.

3. Layer elements and space to build narrative. Interiors are often conceptually driven by moving through the design, embrace that in the photograph.

4. Light the space to drive the eye. This is applicable whether you’re adding lots of supplemental lighting or shooting with available light. Even if you didn’t bring a single light, there is still lots of lighting control available within the space itself.

5. Likewise, style props to drive the eye as well. Good styling can make a great photograph that might otherwise feel stark and severe. Propping should follow a rhythm however, balancing visual activity with quiet negative space.

6. We almost always use people in our interiors photography. The problem with this is that the viewers of the photograph are people too and will always identify with the models before they notice the design. Therefore, be careful with placement. Don’t allow models to upstage the design story. See tip #5.
